Adobe recently released their new Photoshop upgrade, CS5. Wow, there are so many fantastic new things to play with in this program! One of my favorites so far is the new Mixer Brush, which is bundled with the brush tool. There are lots of tutorials and videos online about this exciting new tool.
The difference for me between this tool and previous Photoshop tools I have learned to use is that this tool actually requires some artistic talent. The basic concept is that it treats your canvas (either one you have drawn yourself or a previously taken photograph) as a wet canvas. Just like everything was painted there all at once with oil paints and now you have a brush that can mix it all together. Actually you have tons of brushes to choose from, all with different bristle tips, and you can set everything from the length of the tips to the way they respond to the pressure of your hand. You have settings that can make your canvas anything from completely dry to very wet, and you can "load" your brush lightly or more heavily. Again, this requires talent that is lost on me, but after watching a few videos on this, I decided to give it a try.
I started out with this photo of a rose from my garden:
I played around with this for awhile using brushes with different tips, and loading various amounts of paint on the brush. This is what I came up with. If you click on the images, you may be able to see better detail:
Using search terms such as "paint", "CS5", and "mixer brush", you can see lots more of this stuff. And this is only one of the many upgrades to the program.
Pretty cool. I need to start using Photoshop.
Posted by: Jeff | May 09, 2010 at 07:10 PM
Impressive and looks like lots of fun!
Posted by: Jane | May 22, 2010 at 07:10 AM