I have been away from this blog too long! I finished my pen tablet class and have just a few weeks left in my design class. Need to do some catching up on that one this weekend.
Sunday was Jesse's 23rd birthday and all the boys were home to celebrate. Jesse has two and a half months of school left. He wanted an iPhone for his birthday, and after some discussion, we agreed to get it for him. Unfortunately his old phone died, so we couldn't have the conversation till he came home!
Matt finished his first term as an online student. He made As in both his classes. It took a term to catch on to taking online classes, but he did very well. He gave Jesse a "stylophone" for his birthday. It's some kind of musical gadget that you play with a stylus.
Mark had just gotten back from a visit with our friends Dennis and Joan. Dennis offered to take our old VHS tapes of home movies and turn them into DVDs. Mark brought one back with him, and left the rest there for Dennis to work on. The one Mark brought back just happened to be of Jesse's third birthday party. We really enjoyed watching!
I took some photos of all the guys. Jesse was holding his stylophone. I made the comment that Jon's hair made him the tallest in the family!
Glad you're back. Interesting instrument--I'm sure my boy would like one. Love Jon's hair too! My 17 year old had hair almost that long last fall, then got it a bit shorter a few months ago and just last night I picked him up at the hair stylist and it was buzzed pretty short. I like!
Posted by: latz | March 11, 2010 at 06:47 AM
oh i absolutely love this page! so glad you're back. i love seeing your pages.
Posted by: Amy | March 11, 2010 at 09:55 AM